Reading for Sunday, September 3, 2023. The Full Moon has just passed. Thus, energies and activities and emotional exchanges are in full swing. There is a lot of practical talk and action today, all on public display. Some people feel the need to make their voices heard and their opinions and intentions known. They may appear as leaders, at least for the moment. This may come off as excessive and showy and performative. It's easy to feel love and affection for them and embrace them for their aspirations and playful demonstrativeness. It's a time of painful emotional opening and openness. Long-term, structural influences are forcing this on many of us. We'd rather go our own way, but we feel forced to compromise and get with the program. We may sometimes feel thwarted by the call of duties while engaging meaningfully with others. Or we might find ourselves pulling back from feelings of empathy and intimacy with others sometimes, and attempting to rebalance the relationships.